Phyllo uses XSL-FO to output press-ready PostScript for print or Web-optimized PDFs.
Phyllo uses extensible style language (XSL) templates, including the formatting objects technology (XSL-FO) to create PDF files using template rules.
The Merops DTD is associated with a range of basic XSL-FO templates. These can be refined to match precise publication design parameters. Rules are stored to govern:
While new technology develops, it is important not to lose sight of the subtleties of print design. To ensure that quality is not compromised, attention will been paid to publisher rules on:
It isn’t possible for automated routines to cater for all layout permutations. Phyllo therefore has an intuitive interface to enable repositioning of objects, addition of extra space, forced hyphenation, etc.
Because of its close integration with the source XML, these manual amendments are physically stored so that the pages will automatically inherit these refinements should repagination prove necessary (e.g. after receiving proof corrections).