Merops applies language rules differently in contexts like quotes and names. Some of the key features are listed below.
Everything Merops does can be customized to match your style requirements, or made consistent within a document.
Merops can automatically correct spelling errors and alert unknown terms, using a database of over 3 million terms, names, and words, in 7 languages.
Merops can automatically standardize (in either direction):
Merops allows you to choose individual spelling preferences for over 270 words, e.g. aging or ageing.
Merops can be enhanced using a custom dictionary.
Merops uses general dictionaries for English, Spanish, German, Italian, Latin, Middle English, and Spanish.
Merops can correct the capitalization of general text, applying ‘Sentence case’, while capitalizing proper nouns and initialisms.
The way ‘Title Case’ is applied is customizable, with different options for long prepositions, or words after colons.
Merops can automatically correct or alert grammatical, errors, including:
Merops can apply rules relating to non-preferred writing style, including:
Merops can standardize the position of punctuation and spaces, e.g. set the spacing before an ellipsis or replace no-break spaces with normal spaces.
This process is clever enough to ensure that, for example, spaces are added after colons and semicolons, unless they form part of tight technical expressions (e.g. ratios, genetic terms).
Merops can standardize the formatting of punctuation signs. For example, species names should have non-italic parentheses:
Merops can standardize characters, such as an en rule in relationship pairs (e.g. doctor–patient relationship). Merops can standardize quotation marks according to publisher style or language convention, and can differentiate quotation marks within quotation marks.
Merops can standardize the use of full stops / periods with abbreviations, e.g.:
Merops can automatically standardize to publisher guidelines on hyphenation.
Merops can remove hyphens following standard prefixes (non-, pre-, post-, etc.). Each prefix is individually customizable.
Merops includes exceptions, including:
Merops can standardize hyphenation of compound adjectives (e.g. ‘a short-term view’, but ‘in the long term’; ‘it took 5 minutes’, but ‘it was a 5-minute conversation’).
Merops can identify and standardize punctuation of abbreviations and apply rules including: