Merops contains over 400 customizable rules relating to the names of organizations, people, places, URLs and email addresses, and works and products.
The information below describes just a small percentage of the rules Merops can apply to names.
Merops uses massive dictionaries to identify and standardize the spelling, capitalization and abbreviation of organization names, e.g.:
Merops also uses intelligent pattern recognition to identify unknown titles of organizations (e.g. the British XML Organisation), and ensures spelling preferences within these are preserved. It can also alert these unknown organizations, if desired.
Merops can apply general preferences to organization names, e.g.:
Merops can standardize company addresses, e.g.:
Merops can apply specific preferences for organization names, e.g.:
Merops also uses pattern matches with multiple international languages for both abbreviated and full versions of institutional names.
Merops uses a dictionary of over 500,000 given names and family names to identify and standardize people’s names.
Merops also uses intelligent pattern recognition, based on document context, using titles (Dr, Professor, etc.), surname prefixes (van, de, etc.), qualifications, affiliation links, and placement relative to document titles and author address details. These ‘unknown’ names can be alerted in case there is a spelling error or a misidentification.
Merops can standardize the punctuation and sequence of surname prefixes (van, de) and suffixes (Jr, III).
Merops identifies and standardizes punctuation and capitalization of qualifications following names. Unknown qualifications can be alerted, and honorific qualifications can be automatically deleted.
More qualifications can be added using a custom dictionary.
Merops can standardize the punctuation and spelling of titles and abbreviations, to conform to your preference. For example:
Merops has a brand new address-recognition system with much greater accuracy and understanding of the content. Merops can now:
Merops uses massive dictionaries to identify and standardize the spelling and capitalization of place names including:
Merops can standardize and correct former names to current names, for example:
Merops can also correct:
Merops can standardize specific place name preferences, such as US, USA, United States and United States of America. Many of these are context sensitive, allowing different preferences in general text, tables, references, and addresses.
Merops can be enhanced using a custom dictionary.
Merops can correct punctuation and spelling in URLs and email addresses.
Merops can standardize multiple parts of URLs and email addresses including:
Merops can also alert URLs and email domains that cannot be validated online.
Merops can: