
Merops contains over 220 customizable rules relating to the presentation of numbers and formulae, as well as terms relating to numbers, such as times, dates, units and currency.

The information below describes just a small percentage of the rules Merops can apply to numerical terms.

Basic numbers

Punctuation and spacing

Merops can automatically standardize the punctuation and spacing of:


Merops can automatically standardize characters such as:

Words vs figures

Merops can convert between words and figures, based on context and size, for example:


Many of these rules are context-specific. For example, the number 1000 in general text, but 1 000 in tables. Also, Merops is clever enough to avoid making changes to numbers that are not counts or ranges (e.g. telephone numbers).


Merops can standardize the presentation of currency.

For example:


In technical documents it is critical that mathematical terms are presented consistently. Merops contains rules to correct author discrepancies, and converts between alternative math formats.

Algebra and arithmetic

Merops standardizes symbols such as Greek letters and operators, e.g.:

Merops standardizes the formatting of functions, variables and operators:


Merops can convert:

These equations can be encoded as MathML in your XML file.


Merops can standardize the presentation of statistical variables. For example:

Time & date

Merops can standardize the presentation of times and dates, e.g.:




Merops identifies and standardizes the case, formatting, and spelling of SI and Imperial units of measurement.

General rules

Merops can automate conversions between unit standards, e.g.:


Merops can automatically convert units from Imperial to metric, or Fahrenheit to Celsius, or vice versa.

Specific preferences

Merops has over 50 preferences for individual units and contexts. For example:

Merops can standardize certain units in different contexts, i.e. general text, tables, parentheses, compound units, table captions/legends, and footnotes.

Other Modules