Shortcut Keys

You can assign shortcut keys to commonly used Merops features. To do this go to Merops Options and on the Personalize page check the box titled Assign keyboard shortcuts to commonly used Merops features.

List of Merops shortcut keys

Merops Shortcut
Insert multiplication sign ×Ctrl + Alt + X
Insert division sign ÷Ctrl + Shift + 5
Insert plus minus sign ± Alt + -
Insert less than or equal to symbol Alt + Shift + ,
Insert greater than or equal to Alt + Shift + .
Insert almost equal to Alt + =
Insert not equal to Alt + /
Insert Euro sign Ctrl + Alt + E
Insert degree sign ° Alt + 0
Insert prime Ctrl + Shift + 1
Insert double prime Ctrl + Shift + 2
Insert dagger Alt + 2
Insert double dagger Alt + 3
Insert section sign § Alt + 4
Insert pilcrow sign Alt + 5
Process files Process Files button Alt + F2
Undo character style Alt + Shift + Z
Styles apply normal Alt + F12

See also