Merops 3.2.113 – minor bug fixes and improvements
31st August 2017
Just a few minor bug fixes and improvements for Merops 3.2.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example wasn't showing an abstract run-in heading as bold.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Deleted erroneous "Alert long running titles" tip on various numeric up-down boxes.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Standardized two spaces after full stop to one space in a number of tips.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example showed spaces incorrectly between author initials for some settings.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: (New feature from 3.2.094 that did not work) When truncating authors' or editors' names, you can now set Merops to show up to the first 98 names plus ' et al.' (previous maximum was 10).
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example could split up "2nd" across to lines, as "2" and "nd" sometimes.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example could show "Second edition" as "Second edition" sometimes.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example was not showing the "pp" heading in book chapter page numbers.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example right-click wasn't showing the setting for punctuation before publisher, in the book chapter example.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example: Small caps author names in references were not rendering properly.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example was unnecessarily showing "Trailing punctuation" as a key setting when right clicking on the item after the document title, even if the setting was to not show quotation marks.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example: In some situations, extra punctuation was appearing after "in" in chapter references.
- FIXED: Standard Set Editor: Document example: In some situations, Merops would wrongly show two points/periods in a row.
- IMPROVED: Standard Set Editor: In document example right-click menu, reference sequence settings say things like "Book chapter sequence" instead of just "Book chapter".
- FIXED: Tip of the day was not launching when Merops for Microsoft Word launched.
- FIXED: Tip of the day: Typo: "To being, "
- FIXED: Tip of the day: Label wasn't wide enough to show all headings.
- FIXED: Tip of the day: Some tips were out of date.
- FIXED: Tip of the day: Missing question mark in a tip.
- FIXED: Instructions to launch programs were for Windows 7 when viewed in Windows 10.