Merops November update
29 November 2019
We've updated the Merops Cloud!
- NEW FEATURE: Include links to Google Scholar:
- no
- yes
- make consistent
- preserve original
- NEW PREFERENCES: Reference detail sequence settings now include Google Scholar link
- NEW FEATURE: Book title in quote marks:
- no
- yes
- make consistent
- preserve original
- NEW FEATURE: Between reference database links/IDs:
- [space]
- .[space]
- ,[space]
- ;[space]
- ¶
- [space]•[space]
- [space]|[space]
- [space]/[space]
- make consistent
- preserve original
- IMPROVED: Much fewer comments on author initials that need given in full
- NEW FEATURE: Correct ue, oe, and ae to ü, ö, and ä in German words, where appropriate
- NEW FEATURE: Space between day and month in dates:
- no-break space
- space
- make consistent
- preserve original
Front section
More consistent matching of chapter numbers
- NEW FEATURE: Add paragraph return between chapter number and title
- NEW FEATURE: Add paragraph return between part number and title
This is a Merops Cloud update – no download is necessary.
The update also includes hundreds of other improvements and fixes.
Items with
NEW FEATURE can be turned on immediately using Custom Properties -
contact us for the codes.